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College of Arts and Letters | Michigan State University

M. Alexandra Valadas

Ph.D. student
Co-chair of the 10th Philosophy Graduate Conference


Research Interests:

-Bioethics: Embodiment and Identity. The constitution of the self. The new eugenics and Prenatal Diagnosis. Neodarwinism and moral values; The concept of Biopower, genetics medicine and eugenics; Ethical context of Prenatal diagnosis; The process of decision making in cases of Prenatal testing. How genetic technologies shape and modify the construction of constitution of the self.

- Continental Philosophy: Phenomenology and Existentialism and the self.

Philosophy of science: risk and normalcy; Analysis of the neutrality and objectivity of scientific and medical knowledge; Focus on the process of normalization of the genetic discourse and its social consequences.

-History of Pain: an historical account of pain in differnt contexts in western culture. Pain and the intersection with the history of women. History of pain and the introduction of modern anaesthetics, namely in the context of child birth. 


M.A. Bioethics (2007) Instituto de Bioetica, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Portuguese Catholic University);

M.A. History and Philosophy of Science (2007) Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (New University of Lisbon)

Licenciatura (Licentiate's Degree) (2004) Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (New University of Lisbon)